HSF Notre Dame Inspirations

notredame-bookHannah Storm, born into a family of Notre Dame alumni and a proud member of the class of 1983, set out to discover why the university exerts such a powerful hold on its graduates, their friends, and their families, and why it elicits the admiration of “unaffiliated” people throughout the world.

Notre Dame Inspirations brings together the reminiscences of alumni who have distinguished themselves in a variety of fields. Each essay focuses on one pivotal Notre Dame event that helped to crystallize the author’s dreams and became the first step on the path to success. Nicholas Sparks recounts how he found his writer’s voice as a student; Joe Montana recalls the football game that changed his life; WNBA superstar Ruth Riley discusses how she got in touch with her spiritual side during her junior year; and Regis Philbin reveals how football coach Frank Lahey helped him overcome disappointments and achieve his ambitions.

All proceeds from the sales of Notre Dame Inspirations go to support the Hannah Storm Foundation.

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